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Health Care

in Pathways to Professional Certification and Credentialing

100% Online Certification and Credentialing Board

News //

Provide HAA Credentialing at Your Facility

March 2020

If you are an educational or medical facility, consider credentialing your students and staff 100% online. No missed time from class or work and no need to travel!!

Challenge your HAA Credentialing Examination

November 2019

See if you qualify to challenge certain* certifications in allied healthcare based on your work experience. Experience is often the best teacher.

Natural Health Board Certification 

May 2019

With the demand for qualified natural health providers growing, HAA now offers Board Examination and Certification for eligible providers.

Online EKG/ECG Certification Examination

December 2018

If you are experienced with EKG or possess an EMT/Paramedic Certificate; HAA can provide you with the National EKG/ECG Monitoring Examination!!

Phlebotomy In-Service Workshops

July 2018

Instructors may visit your area soon. Providing in-service phlebotomy workshops. Currently, workshops are being held in Florida and Georgia.



World-Class Health Care Providers


Health Care Associates of America consists of educators and healthcare professionals who approve and administer the national credentialing examinations which encompass highly sought-after healthcare certification. These certifications exceed the requirements as does the board of examiners

HAA provides a path for the nations allied healthcare professionals to validate skilled and professional competencies, to embolden profession expansion by continuing their education and recertification, and to endorse their community’s wellbeing by recurrently refining the certification process which reflects the advancement and requirements needed for high-quality healthcare.

Healthcare professional

All Examinations and testing are available 100% ONLINE.


*Check your local/state certification requirements

What You Need to Know Before Choosing a National Certification

- The local and state laws  in your region                   regarding the certification of interest

- Ensure you possess the skills and abilities for         successful completion of the examination

- Does your experience or education meet the           requirements?

Benefits of Obtaining a National Certification

- Trust in the public of health care professional's competency

- Demonsrate that you meet a certain standard of competence and         provides you a competitive advantage


- Employers confidence in applicants skills and abilities

- More job opportunities, a higher pay scale, and job security


- A critical sense of confidence and achievement

© 2020 by Health Care Associates of America. All rights reserved.

Contact us for questions or comments!!

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